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tentang maswids
About me:

Introduce, My name is Ramandhika Widodo
Often greeted by Mas Widodo and Incidentally this Website I name MASWIDS.COM
Even though it looks weird but that's the name given to me from my parents.

The reason I created this Blog / Website, I want to share information with all my friends, and moreover I want to work in the world of blogging.
And another reason, I like writing
Maybe that's all I can say
Sorry if there were errors and errors in my articles
Hopefully what I write here can give you more benefits.

And hopefully I can continue to exits so I can provide other information.
That's enough and happy reading.


Note: Untuk keluhan atau pertanyaan seputar blog Maswids.com Bisa menghubungi kami di nomor contact berikut:

📞 Phone: +6285695097613

📩 Email: blogmaswids@gmail.com

👥 Group Whatsapp: Group Maswids.com